

Letter Number Two

Letter Number Two - 23rd January 2017

Today marks day 1 of round 2 of potty training. After you deciding for the first time in months that your wonderful constipation has gone and using up all of the nappies I decided that after ballet we were whacking out the basket of pants from your wardrobe.
You were such an angel at ballet, I love the way you call everyone there your 'friends' and how you love your teachers so much that you don't want to sit on the mat with me like the other kids do with their parents but instead you want to go and sit with the teachers. I love how you act like you know what you're doing when we can all tell you don't have a bloody clue and that you're just running around flapping your arms and legs about hoping no one will notice, haha.
Any who, back home you then decided you loved your nappies and proceeded to beg me not to take them away because 'you love them'. It's fine you apparently don't love the woman who gave you life but in the past 24 hours have told me you love your toy car (thanks a lot) and your nappies?????
After 10 minutes of 'I'm not wearing pants' you finally picked a pair of pants with Anna on them and decided to show me 50 million times but it's all good because you had no accidents! You even pulled your own pants down to pee, high five.
I may of also done a teeny tiny high five to myself at dinner time to when you cried your eyes out when I went to take someone home and told me you wanted to stay with me. Cruel for you I know but also awesome for me because after 2 years you finally want me enough to actually acknowledge when I leave a room!
You're up in bed now and I am literally counting down the minutes until you wake up from a 'scary dream' like you have done every night for the past 2 weeks and hey I'll probably give in and put you in bed with me like I have done every night for the past 2 weeks but that's okay because you're only little and it's probably not going to be long until you would literally rather die than get in my bed for a cuddle and tickle my back if I promise you can watch YouTube. So see you soon my little potty pee-er, nappy loving, ballet star.

Letters To Olivia - Letter One

First letter - 19th January 2017

Age - 2 years and 2 months

I first started this blog over 2 years ago so that I could try and remember every inch of you but unfortunately you're not a child that likes to give me much free time so it failed miserably.
I say not much free time but you've been a dreamboat at going to bed at 6pm every night for almost a year, I'm just bloody lazy and you're a good excuse.

I started this for me to remember, to help others realise life if shit sometimes and that's okay but now I'm maybe thinking that this should be for us? So you can look back at this in years to come and face palm at how cringe I am.

Yesterday I quit my job that I'd only been at for 5 weeks and I'm basking in all of your awesomeness today. You used your manners (nearly) all day. You ate my shitty excuse of spaghetti bolognese that I put in the slow cooker every single time I make it so it looks like I made more effort with it. You sat all your baby animals in a car and made me watch as you made a baby doll drive them around. You also mixed the purple and blue play dohs together whilst I was hanging washing out but I'm trying to be nice so we'll just let that one slip. You cleaned your teeth three times just because you love your barbie toothbrush. We discovered you HATE jam sandwiches but love crackers with just butter on??? (Weirdo). You asked me if I was okay when I stubbed my toe and said several words that you're not allowed to repeat until you're at least 25 and no longer live under my roof, haha. You told me to 'get your boobies out mummy' so many times that I'm beginning to think I've somehow swapped places with a stripper. (No boobies were gotten out btw, I love you but that's a no from me). You also asked me to put you to bed over daddy tonight (yay because you love me more, boo because sitting on your floor gives me a right numb ass). And even though it's 10pm you've already snuck your way into my bed and plonked yourself right in the middle it's been a wonderful day.